• BS 09/30208490 DC

BS 09/30208490 DC

BS EN 15718. Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Product requirements for cast wheels

BSI Group, 12/02/2009

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 13262
EN 10002-1
EN 10045-1
EN ISO 1101
EN ISO 6506-1
ISO 5948:1994
ISO 6933:1986
ISO/TR 9769
ISO 14284
ASTM E 399-90:1990
ISO 1101:2004
ISO 6506-1:2005
ASTM E1245
SAE J827
SAE J442
SAE J443
SAE J444
EN ISO 9001
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 9001:2008
EN ISO 6506-3
ISO 6506-3:2005
EN 473
EN ISO 9000
ISO 9000:2005
EN ISO 6506-2
ISO 6506-2:2005
FprEN 13979-2
ISO 4967:1998
CR 10261:1995

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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