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BSI Group, 12/24/2009
Publisher: BS
File Format: PDF
EN 1501-5. Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices. General requirements and safety requirements. Part 5. Lifting devices for refuse collection vehicles
$106.00 $213.82
ISO 21100. Air cargo unit load devices. Performance requirements and test parameters
$120.00 $240.48
IEC 62369-1. Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from Short RangeDevices (SRDs) in various applications over the frequency range 0-300GHz. Part 1. Fields produced by devices used for Electronic Article Surveillance, Radio Frequency Identification and similar systems
$118.00 $237.63
ISO 6460-3. Motorcycles. Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. Part 3. Fuel consumption measurement at a constant speed
$112.00 $225.62