• BS 10/30196823 DC

BS 10/30196823 DC

BS ISO 12670. Thermal spraying. Components with thermally sprayed coatings. Technical supply conditions

BSI Group, 02/08/2010

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 473
EN 582
EN 657:2005
EN 1395
EN 13214
EN ISO 2063
ISO 2063:2005
EN ISO 4288
EN ISO 8503
EN ISO 14918
EN ISO 14923
ISO 14923:2003
ISO 4288:1996
ISO 8503-1:1988
ISO 14918:1998
ISO 14923:2003
EN 1274
EN 13507
EN 14616
EN ISO 6507-1
ISO 6507-1:2005
EN ISO 6508-1
ISO 6508-1:2005
EN ISO 14919
ISO 14919:2001
EN ISO 14920
ISO 14920:1999
EN ISO 14922-1
ISO 14922-1:1999
EN ISO 14922-2
ISO 14922-2:1999
EN ISO 14922-3
ISO 14922-3:1999
EN ISO 14922-4
ISO 14922-4:1999
EN ISO 14924
ISO 14924:2005
EN ISO 20482
ISO 20482:2003

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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