• BS 10/30205800 DC

BS 10/30205800 DC

BS ISO 15686-2. Buildings and constructed assets. Service life planning. Part 2. Service life prediction procedures

BSI Group, 07/30/2010

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 6241:1984
ISO 6707-1:1989
ISO 15686-1:2000
ISO 15686-3:2002
ISO 15686-7:2006
ISO 15686-8:2008
ISO 291:1997
ISO 877:1994
ISO 2135:1984
ISO 2809:1976
ISO 2810:1974
ISO 3668:1976
ISO 4582:1998
ISO 4607:1978
ISO 4611:1987
ISO 4665-1:1985
ISO 4665-2:1985
ISO 4665-3:1987
ISO 4892-1:1999
ISO 4892-2:1994
ISO 4892-3:1994
ISO 4892-4:1994
ISO 8565:1992
ISO 9223:1992
ISO 9224:1992
ISO 9225:1992
ISO 9226:1992
ISO 9370:1997
ISO 11341:1994
ISO 11431:1993
ISO 11507:1997
ISO/TR 11728:1993
ISO 11758:1995
ISO 13638:1996
ISO 14615:1997
IEC 60721
IEC 60068-2

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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