• BS 10/30215090 DC

BS 10/30215090 DC

BS EN 60695-6-2. Fire hazard testing. Part 6-2. Smoke obscuration. Summary and relevance of test methods

BSI Group, 01/04/2010

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
IEC 60695-6-1:2001
IEC Guide 104:1997
ISO/IEC 13943:2008
ISO 5725-2:1994
ISO 19706:2007
ISO 9122-1:1989
ISO 19706:2007
IEC/TR2 60695-6-30
IEC 60695-6-31
BS 6401
NF C20-902-1
NF C20-902-2
ISO 5659-2
IEC 61034-1
IEC 61034-2
EN 61034-1
EN 61034-2
BS 6853
CEI 20-37-3
ISO/TR 5924
NFPA 262
ULC S102.4
EN 50289-4-11
ASTM D5424
UL 1685
prEN 50399
EN 50266-1
IEC 60332-3-10
prEN 50399
ASTM E1354
ISO 5660-2

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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