• BS 10/30217482 DC

BS 10/30217482 DC

BS ISO 28842. Guidelines for simplified design of small reinforced concrete bridges

BSI Group, 07/06/2010

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 679
ISO 680
ISO 863
ISO 3010
ISO 4354
ISO 6274
ISO 6782
ISO 6783
ISO 6934-1
ISO 6934-3
ISO 6934-4
ISO 6934-5
ISO 6935-1
ISO 6935-2
ISO 6935-3
ISO 7033
ISO 9194
ISO 9597
ISO 10144
ISO 3766:2003
ISO 15673:2005

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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