• BS 11/30196123 DC

BS 11/30196123 DC

BS ISO 11119-2. Gas cylinders of composite construction. Specification and test methods. Part 2. Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and tubes with load-sharing metal liners

BSI Group, 05/04/2011

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 3341
ISO 6506-1
ISO 6508-1
ISO 7225
ISO 7866
ISO 9809-1
ISO 9809-2
ISO 9809-3
ISO 10618
ISO 11114-1
ISO 11114-4
ISO 13341
ISO 13769
EN 1964-3
ISO TR11364
ISO 6892
ISO 7438
ISO 10156
ISO 11114-2
ISO 11439
ISO 11623
EN 3-1:1996
EN 144-1
EN 962
ASTM D2290
ASTM D2291
ASTM D2344
CGA C14:1992

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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