• BS 11/30214057 DC

BS 11/30214057 DC

BS 7870-2. LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 2. Methods of test

BSI Group, 07/15/2011

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
BS 5099
BS EN 10244-2:2009
BS EN 60228
BS EN 60230
BS EN 60332-3-10
BS EN 60332-3-21
BS EN 60332-3-22
BS EN 60332-3-24
BS EN 60811-1-1
BS EN 60811-1-2
BS EN 60885-3
BS EN 61034-1
BS EN 62230
BS EN ISO 4892
BS EN ISO 6892-1
IEC 60502-1
IEC 60502-2

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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