• BS 11/30239926 DC

BS 11/30239926 DC

BS EN 13252. Geotextiles and geotextile-related products. Characteristics required for use in drainage systems

BSI Group, 05/12/2011

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
CR ISO 13434
ISO/TR 13434:1998
EN 12224
EN 12225
EN 12447
EN 14030
ISO/TR 12960:1998
EN 14574
EN 1997-1
EN ISO 10318
ISO 10318:2005
EN ISO 10319
ISO 10319:2008
EN ISO 10320
ISO 10320:1999
EN ISO 10321
ISO 1043-1:2001
EN ISO 10722
ISO 10722:2007
EN ISO 11058
ISO 11058:1999
EN ISO 12236
ISO 12236:2006
EN ISO 12956
ISO 12956:1999
EN ISO 12957-1
ISO 12957-1:2005
EN ISO 12957-2
ISO 12957-2:2005
EN ISO 12958
ISO 12958:1999
EN ISO 13426-2
ISO 13426-2:2005
EN ISO 13433
ISO 13433:2006
EN ISO 13438
ISO 13438:2004
EN ISO 9862
ISO 9862:2005
ISO 10390:2005
EN ISO 25619-1
EN ISO 25619-2
EN 1997-1:2004
EN ISO 9001:2008

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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