• BS 11/30247574 DC

BS 11/30247574 DC

BS EN 16309. Sustainability of construction works. Assessment of social performance of buildings. Methods

BSI Group, 07/27/2011

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 15643-1:2010
FprEN 15643-3
FprEN 15978
EN 12354-1:2000
EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009
EN 15251:2007
EN 15603:2008
EN 12464-1:2002
EN ISO 7730:2005
EN ISO 13788:2001
ISO 2631:1997/AMD1:2010
ISO/TS 21929-1:2006
ISO 15392:2008
ISO 15686-1:2000
ISO 15686-2:2001
ISO 15686-7:2006
ISO 15686-8:2008
ISO 15686-10:2010
ISO 16814:2008
ISO/DIS 21542

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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