• BS 12/30198107 DC

BS 12/30198107 DC

BS EN ISO 11133. Microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs and water. Preparation, production, storage and performance testing of culture media

BSI Group, 10/02/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 6887-1
ISO 6887-2
ISO 6887-3
ISO 6887-4
ISO 6887-5
ISO 7704
ISO 7218
ISO 8199
ISO 4831
ISO 4832
ISO 4833
ISO 6222
ISO 6461-1
ISO 6461-2
ISO 6579
ISO 6579 Amd 1
ISO 6888-1
ISO 6888-2
ISO 6888-3
ISO 7251
ISO 7899-1
ISO 7899-2
ISO 7932
ISO 7937
ISO 9308-1
ISO 9308-2
ISO 9308-3
ISO 10272-1
ISO/TS 10272-2
ISO 10272-3
ISO 10273
ISO/TS 11059
IDF/RM 225
ISO 11290-1
ISO 11290-2
ISO 11731-1
ISO 11731-2
ISO 13720
ISO 15213
ISO 15214
ISO 16266
ISO 16649-1
ISO 16649-2
ISO 16649-3
ISO 16654
ISO 17995
ISO 19250
ISO 21527-1
ISO 21527-2
ISO 21528-1
ISO 21528-2
ISO 21871
ISO 21872-1
ISO 21872-2
ISO 9001:2008
ISO Guide 30:1992, Amd 1:2008
ISO 6222:1999
ISO 2859-1:1999
ISO TS 22117:2011
NMKL Procedure no 10, 2001
DIN 58942-4:2003
DIN 58942-4, Suppl. 1:2003
DIN 58959-6, Suppl. 1:1997
DIN 58959-6, Suppl. 2:1997
DIN 58959-9, Suppl. 1:1997
DIN 58959-9, Suppl. 2:1997
DIN 58959-10:1997
DIN 58959-10 Suppl. 1:1997

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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