• BS 12/30250146 DC

BS 12/30250146 DC

BS ISO 16143-1. Stainless steels for general purposes. Part 1. Flat products

BSI Group, 10/19/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 148-1
ISO 377
ISO 404
ISO 3651-2
ISO/TS 4949
ISO 6506-1
ISO 6507-1
ISO 6508-1
ISO 6892-1
ISO 6892-2
ISO 6929
ISO/TR 9769
ISO 10474
ISO 14284
ISO 15510
ISO 4955:2005
ISO 6931-2:2005
ISO 9328-1:2003
ISO 9328-7:2004
ISO 16143-2
ISO 16143-3
EN 10088-2:1995
ASTM A 480-03
JIS G4304
JIS G4305

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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