• BS 12/30260499 DC

BS 12/30260499 DC

BS EN 16448-1. Protective clothing. Body armour. General requirements

BSI Group, 08/16/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 340:2003
EN ISO 13937-2:2000
ISO 13937-2:2000
prEN 16448-2
ISO/FDIS 14876-2:2001
prEN ISO 16448-3
ISO/FDIS 14876-3:2001
CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1
ISO 10241
ISO 128-30
ISO 128-34
ISO 128-40
ISO 128-44
ISO 31
IEC 60027
ISO 1000
ISO 690
ISO 690-2

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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