• BS 12/30268269 DC

BS 12/30268269 DC

BS EN 16485. Round and sawn timber. Environmental Product Declarations. Product category rules for wood and wood-based products for use in construction

BSI Group, 10/10/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 15804
EN 15942
EN 15978
prEN 16449
CEN/TR 15941
EN ISO 14025:2010
ISO 14025:2006
EN ISO 14044:2006
ISO 14044:2006
prEN ISO 14067
ISO/DIS 14067
ISO 15686-1
ISO 15686-2
ISO 15686-7
ISO 15686-8:2008
ISO 21930:2007
EN 15242
EN 15243
EN 15603
CEN/TR 15615
EN 15643-1:2010
EN 15643-2
prEN 15643-3
EN ISO 14024:2000
ISO 14024:1999
EN ISO 14040:2006
ISO 14040:2006
ISO 6707-1:2004
ISO 14050:2009
ISO 15392:2008
ISO/TS 15686-9
ISO 21931-1:2010
PAS 2050:2011

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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