• BS 12/30268705 DC

BS 12/30268705 DC

BS EN 15509. Electronic fee collection. Interoperability application profile for DSRC

BSI Group, 10/19/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ANSI X3.92:1981
FprCEN/TS 16439:2012
EN 12834
EN 13372:2004
EN ISO 14906:2011
ISO 14906:2011
ETSI TS 102 486-1-1
ETSI TS 102 486-2-1
ISO/IEC 9646-7
ISO/IEC 9797-1:1999
ANSI X9.52:1998
EN 12253
EN 12795
EN 15876-1
EN 15876-2
EN 15509
CEN ISO/TS 14907-1:2010
EN ISO 14816:2005
ETSI TS 102 486-1-2
ETSI TS 102 486-2-2
ETSI TS 102 486-1-3
ETSI TS 102 486-2-3
ISO 612
ISO 1176
ISO 16609:2012
ISO 17573:2010
ISO/IEC 7812-1:2006
ISO/IEC 7812-1:2006
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2008
ISO/IEC 8825-2:2008
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1:1998
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2:1998
ISO/IEC TR 10000-3:1998

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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