• BS 13/30278104 DC

BS 13/30278104 DC

BS ISO 10327. Air cargo. Main deck containers. Design and testing

BSI Group, 01/18/2013

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
IS0 4116:1986
ISO 4171:1993
ISO 6517:1992
ISO 7166:1985
ISO 8097:2001
ISO TR 8647:1990
ISO 10046:1996
ISO 11242:1996
ISO 21100:2011
ISO 8058
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 10254
SAE AIR 1490
SAE AS 9100
SAE AS 9102
SAE AS 36100A
EN 9100
EN 9102

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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