• BS 5950-9:1994

BS 5950-9:1994

Structural use of steelwork in building. Code of practice for stressed skin design

BSI Group, 04/15/1994

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




File Size:1 file , 2.1 MB

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Recommendations for the design of shear diaphragms in light gauge profiled steel sheet and the contribution of such diaphragms to the strength and stiffness of structural steelwork in buildings and allied structures.

Cross References:
BS 1449:Section 1.2
BS 1449:Section 1.4
BS 1449:Section 1.5
BS 2573:Part 1
BS 5493
BS 5502:Part 22
BS 5950:Part 1
BS 5950:Part 4
BS 5950:Part 5
BS 5950:Part 6
BS 5950:Part 7
BS 6399:Part 1
BS 6399:Part 3
BS 8004
BS EN 10002-1
BS EN 10147
CP 3:Chapter V:Part 2
PD 6484

Partially replaced by BS EN 1993-1-3:2006.

Incorporates the following:
AMD 8315 published 15 January 1995
AMD 9326 published 15 March 1997

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