• BS 6493-1.5:1992

BS 6493-1.5:1992

Semiconductor devices. Discrete devices-Recommendations for optoelectronic devices-Section 5: Recommendations for optoelectronic devices

BSI Group, 03/27/2003

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




File Size:1 file , 4 MB

Note:This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus

Relevant terminology and letter symbols, essential ratings and characteristics and measuring methods.

Cross References:
BS 2011:Part 1.1
BS 4727
BS 4828
BS 6493:Section 1.1
BS 7192
BS EN 29241-1
BS EN 29241-2
BS EN 29241-3
IEC 27
IEC 306-1
IEC 617
IEC 748

Partially replaced by BS EN 62007-1:2000 and BS EN 62007-2:2000.

Incorporates the following:
AMD 14242 published 27 March 2003
AMD 8704 published 15 November 1995
AMD 8957 published 15 May 1996
AMD 14242 is a Corrigendum

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