• BS 7825-3.2:1997

BS 7825-3.2:1997

Calibration of rubber and plastics test equipment. Calibration schedules-Electrical properties

BSI Group, 08/15/1997

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




File Size:1 file , 180 KB

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Provides schedules and guidance for the calibration of equipment and materials for a range of methods of tests for evaluating the electrical properties of plastics and rubber materials.

Cross References:
BS 2044
BS 2050
BS 2918:Part 1
IEC 112
IEC 167
IEC 249-3-1
BS 903:Part C5
BS 4584:Part 103:Section 103.1
BS 4778:Part 2
BS 4778:Part 3
BS 5233
BS 5901
BS 6233
BS 7825:Part 1
BS 7825:Part 2
BS EN 30012-1
PD 6461:Part 1
ISO 1853
ISO 2878
ISO 2951
ISO Guide 30
IEC 93
IEC 243-1
IEC 296
IEC 464-2

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