• BS BIP 3044:2005

BS BIP 3044:2005

BS 8300 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice CD-ROM

BSI Group, 10/28/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF



Cross References:
BS 3621
BS 4787-1
BS 5395-1
BS 5378
BS 5499-1
BS 5588-1
BS 5588-8
BS 5776:1996
BS 6100
BS 6180
BS 6262
BS 6262-4
BS 6440
BS 6571-4
BS 7352
BS 7594
BS 8213-1
BS 8233
BS EN 81-1
BS EN 81-2
BS EN 115
BS EN 1154:1997
BS EN 1155
BS EN 1935
BS EN 12051
BS EN 12414
BS EN 60118-4
IEC 60118-4:1981
ISO 9386-2
BS 4800:1989
BS 5252:1976
BS 5395-2:1984
BS 5588-5:1991
BS 6034:1990
BS 6571-6:1996
BS 7036-1:1996
BS 7036-2:1996
BS 7036-3:1996
BS 7036-4:1996
BS 7036-5:1996
BS 7953:1999
BS 8220-1:2000
PD 6523:1989
BS EN 81-70
Building Regulations 1991
Building Acts to Crown Buildings
Registered Homes Act 1984 and Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 1991
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970
Disabled Persons Act 1980
Town and Country Planning Act 1971
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Building Regulations Approved Document, Part K:1997
Building Regulations Approved Document, Part M:1999
Technical standards for compliance with the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations. Part T
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland). Technical Booklet R
Disability Rights Commission Act 1999
Disability Discrimination Act 1995

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