• BS DD CEN/TS 28701:2010

BS DD CEN/TS 28701:2010

Road transport and traffic telematics. Public transport. Identification of fixed objects in public transport

BSI Group, 04/30/2010

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




File Size:1 file , 5.1 MB

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Cross References:
CEN ISO/TS 18234-1
ISO/TS 18234-1:2006
CEN ISO/TS 18234-2
ISO/TS 18234-2:2006
CEN ISO/TS 18234-3
ISO/TS 18234-3:2006
CEN ISO/TS 18234-4
ISO/TS 18234-4:2006
CEN ISO/TS 18234-5
ISO/TS 18234-5:2006
CEN ISO/TS 18234-6
ISO/TS 18234-6:2006
prEN ISO 8601
ISO 8601:2000
ISO 639-1:2002
ISO 639/IETF 1766
ISO/IEC 19501:2005
SAE J1939/71
WGS 1984

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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