• BS MA 94:1981

BS MA 94:1981

Specification for thermal insulation for marine piping systems

BSI Group, 12/31/1981

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




File Size:1 file , 610 KB

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Requirements for the thermal insulation of marine piping systems in the temperature range -40°C to +565°C including diesel exhaust systems.

Cross References: BS 476:Part 4*BS 476:Part 5*BS 476:Part 7 *BS 1449:Part 1*BS 1710*BS 2989*BS 3927 *BS 3958:Part 1*BS 3958:Part 2*BS 3958:Part 3 *BS 3958:Part 4*BS 3958:Part 5*BS 3958:Part 6 *BS 3974:Part 1*BS 3974:Part 3*BS 4391*BS 5608*BS 5970*BS MA 51:Part 1*BS MA 51:Part 2*BS MA 51:Part 3*BS MA 51:Part 4*BS MA 51:Part 5*

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