This document is applicable to Very Small Entities (VSEs). VSEs are enterprises, organizations, departments or projects having up to 25 people. The life cycle processes described in the ISO/IEC 29110 series are not intended to preclude or discourage their use by organizations bigger than VSEs.
ISO/IEC 29110?4-1 identifies the requirements applicable to the tasks and work products described in this document.
This document has been developed using the management and engineering guide of the Basic profile and by modifying and adding elements (e.g. process, task, work product, role) for VSEs involved in the development of more than one project in parallel with more than one work team.
This document applies for VSEs developing non-critical software.
Using this document, VSEs can obtain the following benefits:
- the management and monitoring of more than one project in parallel with more than one work team;
- reuse existing software components (e.g. code and document) in new projects;
- continuously measure projects and improve processes.
This document is targeted to VSEs which are familiar with ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-1-2 for their software development projects and are involved in the development of more than one project in parallel with more than one work team.
This document is intended to be used with any lifecycles, processes, techniques and methods that enhance the VSEs customer satisfaction and productivity.
Cross References:
ISO 9001
ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016
ISO/IEC 29110-2-1:2015
ISO/IEC TR 29110-3:2011
ISO/IEC 29110-4-1
ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-1-2:2011
ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-3
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2015
AS/EN/JIS Q 9100
All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
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