• CSA C22.2 NO. 138-M1989 (R1999)

CSA C22.2 NO. 138-M1989 (R1999)

Heat-Tracing Cable and Cable Sets for Use in Hazardous Locations

CSA Group, 06/12/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF




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1. Scope


This Standard applies to heat tracing cables, heat tracing cable sets, and their related components that are intended

(a) to provide supplemental heat to maintain or raise the temperature of a pipe, vessel, instrument, or related equipment;

(b) for permanent installation in Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D, Divisions 1 and 2; Class II, Groups E, F, and G, Divisions 1 and 2; and Class III hazardous locations in accordance with the Ru les of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (the requirements in this Standard are in addition to the basic requirements applicable to such products for use in other than hazardous locations); and

(c) for permanent installation in gaseous mines in accordance with the requirements of CSA Standard CAN3-M421, Use of Electricity in Mines.

Note: The requirements in this Standard for the heat tracing cable, heat tracing cable sets, and associated accessories for use in hazardous locations in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, are based on the premise that the basic electrical requirements for such products exist in other published CSA documents.

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