• CSA W47.1-92 (R2001)

CSA W47.1-92 (R2001)

Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures

CSA Group, 01/01/1992

Publisher: CSA

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1. Scope


This Standard specifies the minimum requirements to be met and adhered to by companies wishing to be certified and to maintain certification for fusion welding of steel structures performed as part of the fabrication, fabrication and erection, or erection thereof.


This Standard is intended to govern certification of companies and prescribes the standards and tests of procedures and personnel necessary for the issuance of a document of certification of such companies. It should not be construed as approving any products or services of such companies.


All welding of steel structures performed by or on behalf of a c ertified company shall be in accordance with all the requirements of this Standard, unless specified to the contrary and agreed to between the purchaser and the company. The certified company shall satisfy the Canadian Welding Bureau as to the manner in which it will assure that all work that must comply with this Standard will be performed. Such agreement must not contravene the requirements of any governing by-law unless approval to do so is obtained from the regulatory authority.

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