CSA Z1011.1:22

Work disability management in the paramedic service organization, Includes Errata (2022)

CSA Group, 01/07/2022

Publisher: CSA

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This is the first edition of CSA Z1011.1, Work disability management in the paramedic organization. CSA Group acknowledges the development of this Standard was made possible, in part, by the financial support of the Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP), managed through the Defence Research and Development Canada, Centre for Security Science (DRDC CSS). Project partners providing support are County of Renfrew Paramedic Service, Paramedic Association of Canada, Paramedic Chiefs of Canada, the Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness, and Performance (CISWP) at Conestoga College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, and the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP). The views expressed in this Standard do not necessarily reflect those of DRDC CSS/CSSP. This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group. 


1.1 Inclusions This Standard applies to the requirements for a WDM system which can be used in the PSO to address the health needs of workers in order to prevent and/or manage work disability. This Standard includes specific requirements and guidance related to the management work disabilities associated with operational stress injuries (OSI) and other mental health conditions that could be due to work related exposure(s) and non-work-related exposure(s). This Standard applies a general framework to be applied to any types of disability. 

1.2 Exclusions This Standard does not include guidance on the diagnosis or treatment of work disability. 

1.3 Terminology In this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.

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