ICC IBC-2018

2018 International Building Code

International Code Council, 2017

Publisher: ICC

File Format: PDF



File Size:1 file , 22 MB

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The scope of the International Building Code® (IBC®) includes all buildings except detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories.

The 2018 IBC contains many important changes such as:
  • Accessory storage spaces of any size are now permitted to be classified as part of the occupancy to which they are accessory.
  • New code sections have been introduced addressing medical gas systems and higher education laboratories.
  • Use of fire walls to create separate buildings is now limited to only the determination of permissible types of construction based on allowable building area and height.
  • Where an elevator hoistway door opens into a fire-resistance-rated corridor, the opening must be protected in a manner to address smoke intrusion into the hoistway.
  • The occupant load factor for business uses has been revised to one occupant per 150 square feet.
  • Live loads on decks and balconies increase the deck live load to one and one-half times the live load of the area served.
  • The minimum lateral load that fire walls are required to resist is five pounds per square foot.
  • Wind speed maps updated, including maps for the state of Hawaii. Terminology describing wind speeds has changed again with ultimate design wind speeds now called basic design wind speeds.
  • Site soil coefficients now correspond to the newest generation of ground motion attenuation equations (seismic values).
  • Five-foot tall wood trusses requiring permanent bracing must have a periodic special inspection to verify that the required bracing has been installed.
  • New alternative fastener schedule for construction of mechanically laminated decking is added giving equivalent power-driven fasteners for the 20-penny nail.
  • Solid sawn lumber header and girder spans for the exterior bearing walls reduce span lengths to allow #2 Southern Pine design values.

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