IEC 61914 Ed. 2.0 b:2015

Cable cleats for electrical installations

International Electrotechnical Commission, 11/23/2015

Publisher: IEC

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IEC 61914:2015 specifies requirements and tests for cable cleats and intermediate restraints used for securing cable in electrical installations. Cable cleats provide resistance to electromechanical forces where declared. This standard includes cable cleats that rely on a mounting surface specified by the manufacturer for axial and/or lateral retention of cables. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Additional declaration and test for lateral load retention depending on cleat mounting orientation with associated new figures;
b) Additional declaration of the distance between the cable centres in any short-circuit test and associated new figures;
c) Specification of the cable to be used in short-circuit testing and relaxation of the ambient temperature limits for the test;
d) Additional requirement to photograph the short-circuit test arrangement before and after the test and to record more complete details of the cable used;
e) Revised parameters for the test of resistance to UV light.
This edition also includes the following editorial changes with respect to the previous edition:
f) Revised and updated normative references and bibliography;
g) Editorial clarification of definitions;
h) Editorial clarification of procedures for selection of test samples and the testing of cleats designed for more than one cable;
i) Relaxation of some mandrel material requirements;
j) Clarification of the inspection requirements following a short-circuit test and adding the option of either a.c. or d.c. voltage testing following a second short-circuit;
k) Clarification that the resistance to corrosion test applies to all types of fixing;
l) New cleat example illustration;
m) Limitations of use of the formulae in Annex B added.

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