• IEEE 1730.2-2022

IEEE 1730.2-2022

IEEE Recommended Practice for Verification, Validation and Acceptance/Accreditation of a Distributed Simulation: An Overlay to the Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process

IEEE, 02/10/2023

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF




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This recommended practice defines the processes and procedures that should be followed to implement Verification, Validation, and Acceptance/Accreditation (VV&A) for distributed simulations being developed using the Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process (DSEEP). This recommended practice is not intended to replace existing VV&A policies, procedures, and guidance, but rather is intended to focus on the unique aspects of the VV&A of distributed simulations. It provides a higher-level framework into which such practices can be integrated and tailored for specific uses. The VV&A overlay provides implementation-level guidance to VV&A practitioners; however, it does not describe the individual techniques that might be employed to execute the VV&A processes for distributed simulations. Users, developers, and VV&A personnel working with simulations and simulation compositions not based upon the DSEEP can also benefit from the guidance in this document since the activities that this overlay describes can be tailored to support any type of distributed simulation application. Guidance for specific integrating standards [High-Level Architecture (HLA), Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA), etc.] is provided in the annexes.

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