• IEEE 463-2006

IEEE 463-2006

IEEE Standard for Electrical Safety Practices in Electrolytic Cell Line Working Zones

IEEE, 02/28/2007

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF




File Size:1 file , 370 KB

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This standard covers means of improved safeguarding of personnel while operating or maintaining equipment located in electrolytic cell line working zones. Included are related requirements for equipment and electrical conductor installations. The general types of electrolytic cells covered include, but are not limited to, the direct current (dc) cells used in the production of aluminum, cadmium, sodium chlorate, chlorine, copper, fluorine, hydrogen peroxide, magnesium, sodium and zinc. This standard does not cover the following: a) Any electrical equipment that is neither part of the electrolytic process equipment nor installed or used in the cell line working zone b) Electroplating and anodizing facilities c) AC cells or furnaces d) Electrotherremal process furnaces e) Arc furnaces f) Melting or heat treating facilities g) Cells for hydrogen production h) Cells used as a source of electric energy

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