• IEEE Smart Grid Research: Vehicular

IEEE Smart Grid Research: Vehicular

IEEE Smart Grid Vision for Vehicular Technology 2030 and Beyond, Roadmap and Webinar (Bundle)

IEEE, 03/30/2017

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF




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- Active. Vehicle electrification is envisioned to be a significant component of the forthcoming Smart Grid. To give a total vision of this area, this bundled package of IEEE SMART GRID VISION FOR VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY: 2030 AND BEYOND , IEEE SMART GRID VISION FOR VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY: 2030 AND BEYOND ROADMAP and IEEE SMART GRID VISION FOR VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY: 2030 AND BEYOND WEBINAR covers a Smart Grid vision of electric vehicle technology for the next 30 years and beyond. For Corporate or Institutional Access, request a custom quote for your organization at www.ieee.org/smartgridresearch

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