NORSOK Z-008:2017

Risk based maintenance and consequence classification

NORSOK, 12/01/2017

Publisher: NORSOK

File Format: PDF




NORSOK Z-008:2017 is applicable for preparation and optimisation of maintenance activities for all plant systems and items.

The consequence classification and the maintenance task selection process can be applied to all types of items, and, in principle, all types of failure modes and failure mechanisms are covered by this NORSOK standard. However, for some types of items, other specific analysis should be performed to identify failure characteristics, failure frequencies and mitigating tasks. This include, among others, load bearing structures, static pressure equipment, risers and pipelines.

This standard is developed with the oil and gas industry in mind, but the principles within can be applied to any industry, including manufacturing or processing plants, ships/maritime and energy plants/installations.

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