• UL 1191

UL 1191

Components for Personal Flotation Devices

Underwriters Laboratories, 11/20/2001

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF



These requirements cover components intended for use in the manufacturer of personal flotatio n devices. Compliance with these requirements does not indicate that the product is intended for use as a component of an end product without further investigation. The requirements shall be applied to othe r components if found to be appropriate.

The components addressed in this Standard are intended for use in personal flotation devices whic h comply with the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Inc., a nd the United States Coast Guard Subparts of Chapter I, Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations. These include:

a) USCG Subparts 160.002, 160.047, 160.048, 160.049, 160.050, 160.052, 160.053, 160.055 , 160.060, 160.064, 160.076, 160.077, 160.150, 160.155, and 160.176.

b) The requirements for:

1) Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123;
2) Buoyant Cushions, UL 1175;
3) Buoyant Vests, UL 1177;
4) Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1517; and
5) Fully Inflatable Recreational Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1180.

These requirements also cover personal flotation device components intended to meet the requirements of the United States Coast Guard Subparts of Chapter I, Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations. Thes e include USCG Subparts 164.019 and 164.023.

The components addressed in th is Standard are not prohibited from being used on devices that comply with other regul ations and requirements (other than those tabulated in 1.2) when the component meets the intent of the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and the United States Coast Guard.

A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to mai ntain the level of safety for the user of the product as originally anticipated by the intent of this Standard.

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