• UL 1332

UL 1332

Organic Coatings for Steel Enclosures for Outdoor Use Electrical Equipment

Underwriters Laboratories, 02/09/2005

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF




These requirements cover tests of opaque and clear organic coatings intended for application to exterior and interior surfaces of steel enclosures of outdoor-use electrical equipment for protection of the metal agains t atmospheric corrosion.

These requirements cover organic coatings consisting of one or more coats and their system of application to steel or zinc-coated steel with specified pretreatment, application, bake or cure schedule, and minimum dry-fil m thickness.

The final acceptance of a coating is dependent upon its use in a complete product that complies with th e requirements in the standard applicable to such a product.

The requirements may be applied to other organic or nonmetallic coatings if found to be appropriate.

The flammability or toxicity risks associated with the coating materials in any form, or the acceptability of th e materials for uses other than indicated, are not within the scope of these requirements.

A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to mai ntain the level of safety for the user of the product as originally anticipated by the intent of this Standard.

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