• UL 1481

UL 1481

Power Supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems

Underwriters Laboratories, 12/12/2006

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF




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Power Supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
UL 1481


These requirements cover comm ercial stationary and fixed power supplies for fire-protective signaling systems, having input and output ratings of not more than 300 volts, direct- and alternating-current, (DC and AC), for use in indoor locations in accordance with the following Standards of the National Fire Protection Association:
  • NFPA 70
  • National Electrical Code.
  • NFPA 72
  • National Fire Alarm Code.
These requirements also cover power sup ply-battery charger combinations used as power supplies, and battery charger units for use as components in fire-protective signaling systems.

These requirements do not cover power supplies or battery chargers integral with control units or amplifiers intended for fire-protective signaling service.

These requirements do not cover power supplies for use in hazardous locations, as defined in the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.

These requirements do not cover commercial power supplies covered by the Standard for Power Units Other Than Class 2, UL 1012, o r commercial battery chargers covered by the Standard for Battery Chargers for Charging Engine-Starter Batteries, UL 1236.

A power supply that is not a complete ass embly and depends upon installation in an end product for compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be investigated under the requirements of the standard for that en d product.

The term "product" as used in this standard refers to all power supplies, battery chargers, power supply-battery charger combinations, and battery charger units or any part thereo f covered by this standard unless specifically noted otherwise.

A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to mai ntain the level of safety for the user of the product as originally anticipated by the intent of this Standard.

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