• UL 1635

UL 1635

Digital Alarm Communicator System Units

Underwriters Laboratories, 01/31/1996

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF




Please note: All interim revisions for this edition available at time of your purchase will be included.

These requirements cover digital alarm communicator system units for use in central-station burglar-alar m systems, proprietary b urglar alarm systems, police station connect burglar-alarm systems, residential burglar-alarm systems, residential fire warning systems, and home health care medical alert systems.

As covered by these requirements, a digital alarm communicator syste m consists of a digital alarm communicator transmitter interconnected to or integral with:
a) a central-station burglar-alarm control unit,
b) a proprietary burglar alarm control unit,
c) a police-station-connect burglar-alarm control unit,
d) a residential burglar-alarm control unit,
e) a residential fire warning control unit, or
f) a home health care medical alert control unit.

A need for off premises transmission will activate the digital alarm communicator transmitter that contacts a digital alarm communicator receiver located at a central-station or residential monitoring station through the telephon e company's switched network (dial system) and transmits a message identifying the change in condition at th e protected premises or residence.

The operation of a digital alarm communicator system is under the control of the owner or others interested in the property, the occupants of the residence, and the operato rs at the central-station or residential monitoring station.

A digital alarm communicator used in a central-station burglar-alarm system w ill be designated as Grade C except as follows:
a) It may be designated as Grade B if it is used in combination with a protected premises control unit, an alarm sounding de vice, and an alarm housing that complies with the Grade A requirements specified in the Standard for Police Station Connected Burglar-Alarm Units and Systems, UL 365; or
b) It may be designated as Grade A if it is used in conjunction with a radio system complying with th e Standard for Central-Station Burglar-Alarm Units, UL 1610.

If equipment covered by these requirements is intended for use in a combination burglar-alarm and fire-protective signaling system, the portion of the equipment serving a fire-al arm function shall comply with the Standard for Control Units for Fire-Protective Signaling Systems, UL 864.

Service required to be provided by the central-station is covered by the Standard for Central-Station Burglar -Alarm Systems, UL 611.

A digital alarm communicator system may be classified as Grade A police-station connect if:
a) It is used in combinatio n with a protected premises control unit, an alarm sounding device, and an alarm housing that complies with the Grade A requi rements specified in the Standard for Police Station Connected Burglar-Alarm Units and Systems, UL 365, and
b) The sign als are transmitted to a digital burglar-alarm communicator receiver located at a central-station that complies with the:
1) Standard for Central-Station Burglar-Alarm Systems, UL 611 or
2) Standa rd for Central-Stations for Watchman, Fire-Alarm, and Supervisory Services, UL 827, or at a residential monitoring station that complies with UL 611, UL 827, or both.

Regardless of the grade of equipment as determined by these requirements, devices installed on individua l properties are further classified as to extent of protection at each location, according to the requirements covering installation and classification (of extent) of alarm equipment at individual locations as published in the Standard for Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems, UL 681, that should be consulted by burglar-alarm installers.

Digital alarm communicator unit s for use in residential burglar-alarm systems shall comply with the Standard for Household Burglar-Alarm System Units, UL 1023, in addition to the applicable requirements in this standard.

Digital alarm communi cator units for use in residential fire warning systems shall comply with the Standard for Household Fire Warning System Units, UL 985, in addition to the applicable requirements in this standard.

Digital alarm communicator units for use in home health care medical alert systems shall comply with th e Standard for Home Health Care Signaling Equipment, UL 1637, in addition to the applicable requirements in thi s standard.

A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to mai ntain the level of safety for the user of the product as originally anticipated by the intent of this Standard.

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