• UL 47

UL 47

Semiautomatic Fire Hose Storage Devices

Underwriters Laboratories, 04/27/2004

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF




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Please note: All interim revisions for this edition available at time of your purchase will be included.

This new edition of ANSI/UL 47 is a periodic re-issuance to ensure that UL's Standards remain up to date with regard to format and editorial issues such as numbering, pagination, and cross-referencing. This new edition also includes revisions to the Operational Test samples.

1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover semiautomatic fire hose storage devices (SHSD) intended for use in controlling incipient fires by occupants of buildings. An SHSD is intended for use with specifically-identified fire hose.

1.2 Requirements for the installation, use, and care of hose storage devices and fire hose are included in the following standards of the National Fire Protection Association: Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrants, and Hose Systems, NFPA 14; and Care, Use, and Service Testing of Fire Hose, Including Connections and Nozzles, NFPA 1962.

1.3 Semiautomatic fire hose storage devices as covered by these requirements use hose having an inside diameter of 1-1/2 inches (38.1 mm) or less and are capable of storing not more than 100 feet (30 m) of fire hose, in accordance with the Standard for Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, NFPA 14.

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